Opening day
Submission deadline
Call for 3rd Late Prof. Dr. Shobha Sharma Gold and Silver Medals for Best Paper and Poster
Submission Theme: Updates in Obstetrics and Gynecology
These Gold Medals are given at the Annual Conference of AOGCG organized by Raipur Obstetrics and Gynecological Society.
This year, the conference is in two parts. First part was on Fifth September where we had both orations. The second part will be on 3rd October between 3PM to 7PM online.
Esteemed National Judged will decide the prizes.
Claim ICOG Credit for paper and poster presentation. Present your work!
The abstract should not be more than 250 words long.
Eligibility Criterion for the prize:
- List item
- Within 5 years of passing post graduate exam or under 35years of age, whichever is earlier.
- Time: 7+3 minutes
- Presentation for the papers and posters should be 12 slides.
- Size for Poster: 3 feet width by 2 feet height. PDF to be submitted. Same to be presented as a slide during the conference.
- Decision of the judges will be final.
- Paper should not be more than 4 pages. Over which up to 2 pages of References are allowed.
- Paper should follow the the Springer template https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/journal-author/word-template-zip-154-kb-/22044
Flow of the submission:
- You will need an account on this website.
- If you do not have an account register an account at this website by visiting
https://events.rogs.in/register/?next=%2Fevent%2F51%2Fabstracts%2F%23submit-abstract - Submit Abstract paragraph
- If the abstract is submitted, you will receive an email informing the same.
- You will have to proceed with submitting the paper/poster as applicable.
Paper submission will be enabled only if the abstract is accepted.
Please call 0771-6660632 if you face any problems.
Please monitor you spam/junk folder in case our communication to you gets classified as such.
Communications will be sent from noreply@rogs.in