19th Annual State Conference Of AOGCG 2023 : https://events.rogs.in/event/94/
13–15 Sept 2019
Clarks Inn Suites
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Please visit https://events.rogs.in/event/67/ for membership registration/renewal

Single Dose Intravenous Carboxymaltose Versus Oral Iron Therapy In The Treatment Of Anemia In Post Partum Patients In A Rural Area

Not scheduled
Clarks Inn Suites

Clarks Inn Suites

Near Vip Square, Vidhayak colony Road, Vishal Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001 https://goo.gl/maps/vSeDQnzPzJciSV6B8


• Anemia after the Birth of a baby (postpartum anemia) is a common problem throughout the world and for most women is self limiting, resolving within a week (Atkinson 1994).
• FCM was developed for rapid IV administration in high doses for the treatment of iron deficiency and the rapid infusion of up to 1000 mg of FCM over 15 min has been shown to be well tolerated

• To compare the efficacy of oral and intravenous administration of iron supplements(ferric carboxy maltose) for treating postpartum anemia.

Materials and methods
• The study group included 60 patients attending AVBRH between period of February 2016 to August 2016 diagnosed to have anemia in postpartum period.
• Patients were divided in two groups
Group A constisted of 30 women who were given the single¬dose of i.v. 500 mg ferric carboxy maltose.
Group B consisted of 30 women, who were given orally 400 mg iron (ferrous sulfate) daily for four weeks.
• Study-: randomized control trial

Characteristic of study population
In this study,total no of patients were 60 , each group had 30 women, 14 were primigravida in group A and 16 were multigravida in group B, whereas in group B there were 13 primigravida and 17 multigravida. Mean age of population in both groups was 22.3. Mean weight in kg in group A was 45.8 and in group B was 46.7 respectively.
Response to oral and intravenous therapy
It was found that pre treatment Hb in group A was 8.3 and post treatment was 10.7 , whereas in group B pre treatment Hb was 8.2 and post treatment Hb was 10.2 respectively.
Number of patients achieved target Hb
Target was 17 in group A and 10 in Group B , in group A 13 failed to achieve target Hb whereas in group B 20 failed to achieve target Hb.
Type and prevalence of adverse reaction
In group A nausea , diarrhea , constipation and giddiness were more common, whereas in group B hypersensitivity rection was seen in 3 cases.

• Most of our patient were having Hb around 9% and wt of 50 kg so a single 500 mg ferric carboxy maltose will raise their Hb around 11%.This dose is insufficient as it does not replenish iron store but to some extent help to restore iron store in an anemic patient.

• Intravenous administration of carboxy maltose seems to be safe and it helps postpartum women to recover early from anemia.as compared to oral iron

Primary author

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