19th Annual State Conference Of AOGCG 2023 : https://events.rogs.in/event/94/
13–15 Sept 2019
Clarks Inn Suites
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Please visit https://events.rogs.in/event/67/ for membership registration/renewal

A rare case of Vaginal Leiomyoma

Not scheduled
Clarks Inn Suites

Clarks Inn Suites

Near Vip Square, Vidhayak colony Road, Vishal Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001 https://goo.gl/maps/vSeDQnzPzJciSV6B8


Dr Ankita Agrawal (MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Dr Srishti Chaturvedi (DGO, Secondary DNB OBGY Resident)


Leiomyoma are benign smooth muscle tumors commonly occurring in the uterus and to some extent in the cervix followed by the round ligament, utero-sacral ligament, ovary, and inguinal canal. Vaginal leiomyoma are very rare with only about 300 reported cases. A 49 yrs old para 3 lady presented in the gynaecological outpatient department with complains of lower abdominal pain, polymenorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, urgency and frequency of micturition since 6 months. Medical and surgical history were not significant. On per speculum examination the vagina was occupied with a large mass arising from the anterior vaginal wall and cervix could not be visualised. On bimanual examination, a firm globular smooth surfaced mass 6x5 cm was felt arising from the middle third of anterior vaginal wall up to 3 cm from the introitus with restricted mobility and non-tender. MRI pelvis reported as diffuse adenomyosis and a well defined rounded mass lesion arising from anterior vaginal wall displacing the base of uterus anteriorly suggestive of vaginal leiomyoma. Transvaginal removal of mass by enucleation along with total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was done and postoperative diagnosis was anterior vaginal wall leiomyoma which was supported by histopathology report.

Primary authors

Dr Ankita Agrawal (MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Dr Srishti Chaturvedi (DGO, Secondary DNB OBGY Resident)

Presentation materials

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