An incompetent cervix, also called a cervical insufficiency, occurs when weak cervical tissue causes or contributes to premature birth or the loss of an otherwise healthy pregnancy. Cervical incompetence may be classified into four types according to etiologic factors: 1. Acquired, 2. Congenital, 3. Physiologic or Dysfunctional, 4. Anatomic. In Congenita cervical incompetence a histologic defect is present although the cervix appears macroscopically intact. An incompetent cervix can be difficult to diagnose and treat, especially in case of primigravida. Elective and emergency encirclage can be done for inherited cervical incompetence. We are going to present two cases of inherited cervical incompitence .with successful pregnancy outcome. A 30year old G2P0A1 with 14weeks POG with cervical incompetence h/o previous inevitable loss and positiuve family history in sister,in which McDonald circlage was done and 22year old primigravida with 22weeks POG with USG s/o shortening of cervix (0.8cm) in which Emergency WURM'S rescue circlage was done . Encirclage can be done for inherited cervical incompetence.it needs high clinical prediction and suspicion in all antenatal women, leads to good pregnancy outcome.