19th Annual State Conference Of AOGCG 2023 : https://events.rogs.in/event/94/
3 October 2020
Asia/Kolkata timezone

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Atypical presentation of bladder leiomyoma-Dyspareunia

3 Oct 2020, 15:35


Prof. Pushpa Dahiya (PGIMS ROHTAK )


BACKGROUND-Bladder leiomyoma is rare, benign mesenchymal neoplasm of urinary bladder. It accounts for 0.43% of all bladder tumors; only 250 case reports were there in literature worldwide. The etiology is still unknown. Bladder leiomyoma can be asymptomatic; most common presenting symptoms might be obstructive symptoms, irritative symptoms or hematuria. We report a case of bladder leiomyoma presenting with dysparenuia and abdominal mass.
CASE REPORT- A 42 year female presented to gynecological OPD with complains of dysparenuia, suprapubic abdominal mass and slight increase in frequency of micturation. On abdominal examination, a suprapubic mass was found with upper limit up to umbilicus and firm consistency, slightly more towards right side. A 20 weeks uterine mass also filling right fornix may be originating from right broad ligament or right ovary found on vaginal examination. Patient underwent laparotomy, a pedunculated extravesical leiomyoma was found and surgical excision for the same was done. Now patient is free of all above mention symptoms.
CONCLUSION- This study highlights unusual presentation of bladder leiomyoma dysparenuia and abdominal mass. It is necessary to take both these symptoms when a female presenting with bladder leiomyoma. Surgical excision is wide enough and very effective, leaving a very low recurrence rate.

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