Congenital mullerian malformations result from abnormal formation, fusion or reabsorption of the Müllerian ducts during fetal life. The process may be partial or total and can also have associated urinary tract anomalies as there is close embryologic relation exists between the development of the urinary and reproductive organs. Rarely other anomalies of cardiovascular ,vertebral and GI system can be present along with mullerian and renal anomalies.
Case report
Here is a rare case of 20 year nulligravida female a known case of moderate aortic stenosis with bicuspid aortic valve with segmentation anomalies in lower vertebra with right sided pelvic kidney and CECT suggestive of complex midline mass (?hydrosalpinx /pyosalpinx) and left ovarian cyst .She had a history of laprotomy outside where they were not able to remove the cyst.After proper preoperative evaluation at AIIMS she underwent laparoscopic evaluation followed by laparotomy and right ovarian endometriotic cyst excision with right salpingectomy in the same sitting. Intra operatively there was a left sided non communicating rudimentary with with right ovarian endometriotic cyst and right sided hydrosalpinx . There was also malrotation of gut and meckel’s diverticulum. Post operatively patient was stable and was discharged on day 5.
Though there are many syndromes reported in literature that involve mullerian anomalies associated with other system involvement this was a rare case.And we need proper evaluation of other systems for any anomalies and multidisciplinary for such cases.
Dr Pragyan Paramita Pradhan